From daily wage worker as a child to billionaire
pic coutsey dainakbaskar
स्कूल छुट्टीमा मजदुरी गर्न जाने बालकले कसरी खडा गरे भा.रू. १०० करोडको व्यापार ?
भारतको केरलाको एक गाउमा
जन्मेका थिए, उनको बाबु
कफी बगानमा कुल्ली काम गरेर गुजारा
चलाउथॆ. छुट्टीको दिनमा बाबुसंग मुस्तफा पनि दैनिकी मजदुरी
गर्न जन्थॆ. हरेक दिन ४
किमीको पैदल यात्रा गरेर
उनी स्कूल जान्थे. ६ क्लासमा उनी
फेल भए पछि बाबुले
उनलाई स्कूलबाट निकाल्न निधो गरे तर
एक गणितको टिचरले गणितमा राम्रो गरेकोले उनलाई एक मौका दिन
अनुरोध गरे. यस पछि
मुस्फ्ताफाले पढाईलाई अगि राम्रोसंग बदाउदै
गए. यसको श्रेया उनी
गणितको टिचरलाई दिन्छन्. ईन्जिनीयरिङ्गको उच्च अध्धयन पछि
उनके मोटोरोला, सिटीबैङ्क जस्तो नाम चलेको संस्थामा
पनि काम गरे. उनी
दुवैमा मल्टिनेसनल कम्पनीमा काम गर्दैगर्दा व्यापार
गर्ने निधॊ गरे.
रु.२५,०००बाट सुरो
गरेको व्यसायले १०० प्याकेट बेच्ने
गरेको थियो तर आज
उनको व्यसाय आज भारतमा मात्र
नभएर बिदेशमा पनि फसटाएको छ .उनको कम्पनी
स्वास्थ्यकर खानको लागि प्रख्यात छ.
मुस्ताफको कम्पनीले आज रु. १००
करोडको मल्य कायम गरेको
Translation in English
P.C. Mustafa, born in a village in Kerala, Wayanad village,
whose father worked as a collie in a coffee plantation. He used to work as a daily wage worker during weekends. He
used to walk for 4 km to go to school. He failed in class six and his father
decided to drop out of college. But his Mathematics teacher Mathew convinced
his father to give him one chance as he was quite good in Maths. Later his
performance was excellent in study and he considered his Maths teacher, Mathew
as his mentor. When he completed his engineering he worked with companies like
Motorola, CitiBank. While he was in MNC, Dubai Mustafa decided to left the job
and become an entrepreneur himself.
Initially he investment was Rs 25,000, Indian currency and
sold 100 packets a day but now his products are available across India and abroad
and he as added more menu. His works for quality food. Today his company has a
value of Rs 100 crores.
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